Articles of Association of
Young African Professionals Association (YAPA) Germany e. V
[Association for young African professionals]
Version dated February 13, 2021
§ 1 Name, registration, registered office and business year
The association bears the name "Young African Professionals Association Germany"
The association is entered in the register of associations of the city of Hamburg.
The association is based in Hamburg.
The financial year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the association
YAPA Germany eV pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.
The purpose of the association is to promote education.
The purpose of the statutes is achieved in particular through:
The organization and actual implementation of integration-promoting events such as workshops and seminars (face-to-face and online events). The educational pathways in Germany around the main topics school system, training, study / dual study are presented and explained. On this basis, the association wants to create a network that provides advice and assistance in choosing a course, applying for and processing student finance (student loans, student loans, etc.), organizing and financing internships abroad (e.g. using Erasmus) and determining the Requirements for receiving individual scholarships. The association has contacts to contact persons who advise on the topics of internships, educational pathways, studies / dual studies, vocational training. In addition, the association arranges contacts to contact persons and mentors from various professional fields. Furthermore, YAPA Germany eV offers advice and support with regard to applications, application procedures and interviews (simulation of an interview, preparation for an interview).
In order to provide help with professional needs, the association initially focuses on bringing together professionals from various professional fields and aspiring career starters. YAPA Germany eV wants to create a network that focuses on the exchange of people about their educational paths and professional fields. The groups of people involved (young professionals and specialists) will meet at a conference, seminar or workshop (face-to-face or online event) to exchange ideas about different job profiles and to analyze, promote and develop the skills of the participants can. This creates added value for the participants in that they are supported and prepared to meet the high labor market requirements in Germany.
YAPA Germany eV strives for intensive cooperation with companies in Germany and from the European Union. The partnership with a large number of companies / companies is intended to enable young professionals to start their careers directly. The purpose of the statutes should also be realized through the support of local organizations, associations and authorities.
§ 3 Public Benefit
The association is selflessly active, it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes.
The members of the association may not receive any payments from the association's funds.
No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
The association is not economically active. The means to achieve the purpose are provided by sponsors and public grants.
§ 4 Membership
Any natural or legal person interested in realizing the goals of the association can become a member of the association.
Any natural or legal person as well as any association or association that only makes financial contributions or donations in kind for the purpose of the association can become a supporting member with an advisory vote (§5).
Personalities who have made a special contribution to promoting the goals of the association can be appointed honorary members by the board of directors.
Members can also join the association through identification by Post-ID or similar secure digital processes via the Internet and online form.
The board of directors decides on the application for membership, which has to be submitted to the board of directors.
The people whose application for membership may be rejected have the opportunity to call the next general meeting in order to be able to enforce their request for membership, despite the rejection by the board.
In the case of minors, the application must also be signed by the legal representative.
§ 5 Sponsoring Membership
Sustaining membership differs from membership as follows:
Supporting members determine their contribution amount themselves, but at least 25 EUR per year. In return for your contribution, you will receive a donation receipt annually for the donations made in the past financial year.
Sustaining members receive admission to the association as a sustaining member through a written application in which they determine the amount of their annual contributions.
The contribution can be made every 3, every 6 or every 12 months. The first contribution is due at the beginning of the sponsoring membership.
Sustaining members generally do not take part in general meetings. In individual cases, the board can invite sponsoring members to general meetings. In such a case, supporting members have the right to speak, but they have no right to propose or vote. Your share is not taken into account in the case of required quotas, for example to amend the articles of association.
Supporting members are invited to actively contribute their skills and ideas to the work of the association, but cannot be elected to association offices. For this, a possible admission as a member of the association is necessary.
§ 6 Termination of Membership
A full member can resign at any time.
Membership ends
with the death of the member;
through a written declaration of resignation to the chairman of the board.
by exclusion
Departing members are not entitled to any reimbursement from the association.
3. If there is a serious violation of the goals and interests of the association by a member, it can be ruled out by the board with immediate effect. Before the decision is made, the member must be given an opportunity to justify or comment.
§ 7 The organs of the association
Organs of the association are:
General meeting
Advisory Board
§ 8 Board of Directors
The board consists of two or more people. It can only be formed from members of the association.
The board of directors conducts the business of the association. He carries out his work on a voluntary basis.
In the case of legal matters, one or two people from the board of directors can sign on behalf of the board or represent the interests of the association. Not all of the board have to be present.
The board represents the association in all judicial and extrajudicial matters. If several board members have been appointed, each board member has sole power of representation.
The area of responsibility of the board includes all actions and legal transactions that are necessary to achieve the statutory purposes of the association.
In particular, the board of directors is responsible for:
the strategic planning of the association
the implementation of the guidelines decided by the general assembly
the resolution on the assumption of new tasks or the handing over of existing tasks on the part of the association;
the resolution on changes to the statutes and the dissolution of the association.
The board is elected by the general assembly for a period of four years. However, he remains in office even after his term of office has expired until a new election.
The board members must be natural persons of the association. If a member of the board of directors leaves the board prematurely, the board of directors elects a substitute member for the remainder of the resigned member's term of office.
§ 9 General Assembly
The general meeting takes place once a year.
General meetings are called by the chairman - if he is unable to do so, by the deputy chairman. The agenda set by the board of directors is to be communicated. The notice period is two weeks. The invitation takes place by announcing the place and time of the general meeting on the homepage or by electronic mail.
The tasks of the general assembly include in particular:
Election and discharge of the board of directors;
Election of members of further committees;
Advice on the status and planning of the work;
Resolution on the annual financial statements;
Receipt of the business report from the board of directors;
The agenda set by the board can be changed and supplemented by the decision of the general assembly.
The general assembly decides on the acceptance of motions for resolutions with a majority of the votes cast. Abstentions are regarded as invalid votes.
General meetings are also possible using electronic media, such as online and video conferences.
§ 10 Advisory Board
The general assembly authorizes the board to appoint an advisory board consisting of 3 or more people who are not members of the board.
The advisory board supports the board in decision-making processes.
§ 11 Validity of these statutes, amendments to the statutes and dissolution
The statutes come into force when they are entered in the register of associations.
The board of directors can make necessary changes that are required by the association court for entry in the association register or by the tax office to obtain or maintain non-profit status, provided they do not conflict with the purpose of the association.
In the event of the dissolution or dissolution of the corporation or if tax-privileged purposes are no longer applicable, the assets of the corporation will be transferred to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation for the purpose of public education and vocational training.
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